The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE THIRTEENTH FLASH | 119

Like vermin who enjoy the stink of putrifying matter and snakes who take pleasure at biting and poisoning, they take pride and pleasure at the evils and  wicked  immorality of the swamp of misguidance, being gratified at the harms and crimes of the darkness of evil-doing; quite simply they take on the nature of Satan. Yes, a decisive  indication of the existence of devils from the jinn, is the existence of human satans.

Secondly: All the hundreds of decisive evidences proving the existence of angels and spirit beings in the Twenty-Ninth Word prove also the existence of evils spirits. We refer this aspect to that Word.

Thirdly: The existence of the angels, the representatives and supervisors of the laws of  the good matters in the universe, is established and agreed upon by all the religions. So too, the existence of evil and satanic spirits, who are the representatives and ushers of evil matters and the means of the laws of such matters, is required by wisdom and reality, and is certain. Indeed, in evil matters, a conscious screen is more necessary.  For  as  is  stated  at  the  beginning  of  the  Twenty-Second  Word,  since everyone cannot see the true good of everything, the All-Glorious Creator has made apparent  intermediaries a  screen to  apparent  evils  and  defects,  so  that  objections should not be levelled at Him, nor His mercy be accused, nor his wisdom criticized or unjustly complained about, and so that objections, criticisms, and complaints should be directed at the screen, and not turned to the Generous Creator, the Absolutely Wise One. Just as He made illness a screen to the appointed hour of death in order to save

Azrail from the complaints25  of His servants who die, so too He made Azrail a

screen to the seizing of the spirits of the dying so that the complaints at that situation, which is  fancied to be lacking in compassion, should not be directed at Almighty God. And even more certainly, dominical wisdom demanded the existence of Satan, so that objections and  criticisms in the face of evils and bad things should not be directed at the All-Glorious Creator.

Fourthly: Just as man is a small world, the microcosm, so is the world a large human  being,  the  macroanthropos.  Small  man  is  an  index  and  summary of  the macroanthropos. The large originals of the samples in man will necessarily be found in the macroanthropos. For  example, the existence of mans faculty of memory is a certain  indication  of the  existence  of the  Preserved  Tablet  in  the  world.  




25 See, Abu Nuaym, Hilya al-Awliya, v, 51; al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, Nawadir al-Usul, i, 177-8;

al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, vi, 543.

26 See, Tirmidhi, Tafsir Sura 35:2; al-Nasai, al-Sunan al-Kubra, vi, 305; al-Bazzar, al-Musnad, v,

394; Abu Yala, al-Musnad, vii, 278; viii, 417.

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