The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE THIRTEENTH FLASH | 120

So  too everyone has experienced in himself the inner faculty situated in a corner of the heart  which is the means to diabolical suggestions26 and temptations and is a satanic tongue that speaks at the promptings of the surmising faculty and the corrupted power of imagination, which becomes like a small Satan and acts contrary to its owner’s will and opposed to his desires these are certain evidences of the existence of great satans in the world. And since the inner faculty which is the means of diabolical suggestions and the power of imagination are an ear and a  tongue, they infer the existence of an external evil individual who blows on the one and makes the other speak.




The All-Wise Qur’an states in miraculous fashion that the universe grows angr y at the evil of the people of misguidance, and the universal elements becomes wrathful and beings, furious. Awesomely, it depicts the storm visited on Noahs people and the assaults of the heavens and earth, the anger of the element air at the denial of the Ad and Thamud peoples,  and the fury of the sea and element water at the people of Pharaoh, and the rage of the element earth at Qarun, and in accordance with the verse, Almost bursting with fury,(67:8) the vehemence and anger of Hell at the people of unbelief in the  hereafter, and the rage of  the other beings at the unbelievers and people of misguidance; in miraculous fashion it  restrains the people of misguidance and rebellion.

Q u e s t i o n : Why do the unimportant actions and personal sins of unimportant men attract the anger of the universe in this way?

T h e   A n s w e r : As proved in other parts of the Risale-i Nur and in the previous Indications, unbelief and misguidance are terrible aggression and crimes that concern all beings. For one of the most important results of the universes creation is mans worship and his responding to divine dominicality with belief and submission. However, due to the denial which is a part of disbelief, the people of unbelief and misguidance reject that supreme result, which is the ultimate reason for the continued existence of beings, and they therefore perpetrate a sort of transgression against the beings rights. Moreover, since they deny the  manifestations of the divine names which are apparent in the mirrors of beings and exalt  their value, they both insult those sacred names, and by degrading the value of all beings, greatly depreciate them. Also, although beings are dominical officials charged with elevated  duties, by their unbelief, the people of misguidance cast them down, and showing them to be lifeless, transitory, meaningless creatures, they in a way violate the rights of all of them.

Thus, since the varieties of misguidance impair to a greater or lesser extent the dominical wisdom in the universes creation and the divine purposes in the worlds continued existence, the universe becomes angry at the people of rebellion and misguidance, as do all beings and creatures.

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