The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE THIRTEENTH FLASH | 125

The Second Way: This is the way of unbelief and associating partners with God, which is in no way possible and is so difficult as to be impossible and is in no  respect reasonable. For as is proved decisively in many parts of the Risale-i  Nur such as the Twentieth Letter and Twenty-Second Word, there would have to be present in all the beings in the universe and even in every single particle absolute divinity and all-encompassing knowledge and infinite power so that the total order and regularity, the  sensitive balance and distinction, and the perfect, adorned embroideries of art to be observed in beings could come into existence.

In  Short:  If  there  were  no  immense  and  tremendous dominicality,  which  is completely appropriate and fitting, it would necessitate following a way that is in every respect unreasonable and precluded. Even Satan cannot propose fleeing from such necessary immensity, and suggest accepting impossibility.

S e c o n d   P o i n t : Another of Satans cunning wiles is to prevent man admitting  his faults in order to close up the way of seeking forgiveness and taking refuge  with God. He also incites the egotism of the human soul, so that the soul defends itself like a lawyer, quite simply acquitting itself of all fault.

Yes, a soul that listens to Satan does not want to see its own faults. Even if it does see them, it explains them away in a hundred ways. According to the saying: The eye of contentment is blind to faults,”31 when a person looks with pleasure on his soul, he does not see its errors. And because he does not see them, he does not admit to them or  seek forgiveness, or seek refuge with God from them, so becomes the plaything of Satan. How can the soul be relied on when a noble prophet like Joseph (UWP) said:


Nor do I absolve my own self [of blame]; the [human] soul is certainly prone to evil, unless my Sustainer do bestow His mercy.”?(12:53)


The person who accuses his soul, sees its faults. And he who admits his faults, seeks forgiveness for them. And he who seeks forgiveness, takes refuge with God. And he who  takes refuge with God, is saved from Satans evil. Not to see ones faults is a greater fault than the first fault. And not to admit to ones faults is a serious defect. If one sees the fault, it  ceases to be a fault. If one admits it, one becomes worthy of forgiveness.32

T h i r d  P o i n t : A satanic wile corrupting the life of society is this: not to see all the virtues of a believer on account of a single bad point. Those unjust people who heed this wile of Satan are in this way inimical to believers. However, when Almighty God weighs up deeds with absolute justice on the supreme  scales  at  the  Last  Judgement,  He  will  judge  in  accordance  with  the predominance of good deeds over evils and vice versa. Seeing that the causes of evil deeds are numerous and  their existence is easy, sometimes He veils numerous bad deeds with a single good deed.




31 Ibn Asakir, Tarikh Dimashq, xxxiii, 219; xxxvi, 319; al-Ghazzali, Ihya Ulum al-Din, iii, 36;

al-Qalqashandi, Subh al-Asha, ix, 196.

32 See, al-Daylami, al-Musnad, v, 199; al-Qudai, Musnad al-Shihab, ii, 44.

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