The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE THIRTEENTH FLASH | 126

That is to say, dealings in this world should be in accordance with divine justice. If a  persons good points are greater in regard to quality or quantity than his bad points, he is deserving of love and respect. Indeed, one should forgive numerous bad points on account of a single laudable virtue. However, due to the vein of tyranny in his nature, at the promptings of Satan, the person forgets the hundred virtues of others because of a single bad point; he is hostile towards his believing brother, and commits sins. Just as a flys wing covering the eye  conceals a mountain, so too, the veil of hatred  makes  man  conceal  virtues  as  great  as  a  mountain  due  to  a  single  evil resembling a flys wing; he forgets them, is hostile towards his brother believer, and becomes a tool of corruption in the life of society.

By means of another wile resembling this one, Satan corrupts the integrity of peoples thoughts. He impairs sound judgement concerning the truths of belief and damages integrity and correctness of thought. It is like this:

He desires to destroy hundreds of evidences proving the truths of belief with a slight hint refuting them. Whereas it is an established principle that a single proof is superior  to  a  hundred  denials. The  statement  of  a  witness  proving  a  claim  is preferable  to  a  hundred  people  denying  it.  Consider  this  truth  by means  of  the following comparison:

There is a palace with a hundred doors all closed. If one of its doors is opened, the palace may be entered and all the doors opened. If all the doors are open and one or two are closed, it may not be said that the palace cannot not be entered.

Thus, the truths of belief are the palace. Each evidence is a key; it proves the truths and opens a door. If one of the doors remains closed, the truths of belief cannot be abandoned and  denied. Satan however, in consequence of certain things or by means of heedlessness or ignorance, points out a door that has remained closed, thus causing a person to disregard  all  the positive evidences.  He deceives  the person, saying: See, this palace cannot be entered.  Perhaps it isnt a palace and perhaps theres nothing inside it.

No Voice