The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Fourteenth Flash | 134

Second Station


This consists of six of the thousands of mysteries contained in

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate


NOTE:  A bright light from In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate concerning divine mercy appeared to my dull mind from  afar. I wanted to record it for myself in the form of notes, to hunt it down and capture it, and circumscribe the light with twenty to thirty mysteries. But  unfortunately I was not able to do this at the present time and the twenty or thirty mysteries were reduced to five or six. When I say: O man!, I mean myself. Although this lesson addresses my own soul in particular, I refer it as the Second Station of the Fourteenth Flash for the approval of my  meticulous brothers in the  hope  that  it  may  benefit  those  with  whom  I  am  connected spiritually and  whose  souls  are  more  discerning  than  mine.  This lesson  looks  to  the  heart  more  than  the  reason,  and  to  spiritual pleasure and perception rather than rational proofs.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

[The Queen] said: Ye chiefs! Here is delivered to me a letter worthy of respect.  It is from Solomon, and is [as follows]: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.(27:29-30)


A number of mysteries will be mentioned in this station.




I  saw   one   manifestation   of   In   the   Name   of   God,   the   Merciful,   the

Compassionate as follows:

On the face of the universe, the face of the earth, and the face of man are three stamps of dominicality one within the other and each showing samples of the others.

The First is the great stamp of Godhead, which is manifested through the mutual assistance, co-operation, and embracing and corresponding to one another of beings in the totality of the universe. This looks to In the Name of God.

The  Second  is  the  great  stamp  of divine  mercifulness,  which  is  manifested

through  the  mutual  resemblance  and  proportion,  order,   harmony,   favour  and compassion in the disposal, raising, and administration of plants and  animals  on  the  face  of  the  earth.  This  looks  to  In  the  Name  of  God,  the Merciful.

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