The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Fourteenth Flash | 137

The existence and realit y of divine mercy are as clear as the sun. For just as a woven  tapestry centred on one point is formed by the order and situation of the threads of its warp and weft coming from all directions, so too the luminous threads extending from the  manifestation of a thousand and one divine names in the vast sphere of the universe weave such a seal of compassionateness, tapestry of clemency, and seal of benevolence within a stamp of mercy that it demonstrates itself to minds more brilliantly than the sun.

The Beauteous All-Merciful One, who orders the sun and moon, the elements and

minerals, and plants and animals like the warp and weft of a vast woven tapestry through the rays of His thousand and one names, and causes them to serve life; and demonstrates  His  compassion  through  the  exceedingly  sweet  and  self-sacrificing compassion of mothers, plant and animal; and subjugates animate creatures to human life, and from this demonstrates mans importance and a most lovely large tapestry of divine dominicality, and manifests His brilliant mercy; that Most Merciful One has, in  the  face  of  His  own  absolute  lack  of  need,  made  His  mercy  an  acceptable intercessor for animate creatures and man.

O man! If you are truly a human being, say: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Find that intercessor! For sure, it is clearly, self-evidently, divine mercy  which,  without  forgetting or  confusing  any of  them,  raises,  nurtures,  and administers the  innumerable plant and animal species on the earth at precisely the right time and with perfect  order, wisdom, and beneficence, and stamps the seal of divine oneness on the face of the globe of the earth. The existence of divine mercy is as certain as the existence of the beings on the face of the earth, so do the beings offer evidences of its reality to their own number.

Just as there is this seal of mercy and stamp of divine oneness on the face of the earth, so on the face of mans nature is a stamp of divine mercy that is not inferior to the stamp of compassion and vast stamp of mercy on the face of the universe. Simply, man has so comprehensive a nature he is as though the point of focus of a thousand and one divine names.

O man! Is it at all possible that the One who gives you this face, and places such

a stamp of mercy and seal of oneness on it would leave you to your own devices, attach  no  importance  to  you,  pay  no  attention  to  your  actions,  make  the  whole universe, which  is  turned towards you, futile and pointless, and make the tree of creation rotten and insignificant with decayed fruit? Would He cause His mercy to be denied, although it is as obvious as the sun, as well as His wisdom, which is as clear as daylight, and neither of which can in any way be doubted, nor are in any way deficient? God forbid!

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