Consider this one example out of a thousand and see the degrees in the instruction given by the genius of philosophy and guidance of the Qur’an. In reality, the two sides proceed in the manner described above, but the degrees of people in guidance and misguidance differ, and the degrees of heedlessness differ. Not everyone can perceive completely this truth in every degree, because heedlessness numbs the senses. In the present age it has so deadened them that the civilized do not feel this grievous pain and suffering. However, sensitivity is increasing and rending the veil of heedlessness due to developments in science and the warnings of death which every day displays thirty thousand corpses. Utter abhorrence and a thousand regrets should be felt for those who take the way of misguidance due to the Europeans’ idols and the natural sciences, and for those who follow them in blind imitation!
O sons of this land! Do not try to imitate Europeans! How can you reasonably
trust in and follow the vice and invalid, worthless thought of Europe after the boundless tyranny and enmity it has shown you? No! No! You who imitate them in dissoluteness, are not following them but unconsciously joining their ranks and putting to death both yourselves and your brothers. Know that the more you follow them in immorality the more you lie in claiming to be patriots! Because to follow them in this way is to hold your nation in contempt, to hold the nation up to ridicule!
God guides us, and you, to the Straight Path.
Sixth Note
O you unhappy person who is alarmed at the great numbers of the unbelievers and their agreement in denying some of the truths of belief, and as a result is shaken in his faith! You should know that value and importance do not lie in quantity and number. For if man is not a true human being, he is transformed into a diabolical animal, and the more he increases in animal greed, the more animal he becomes – like some Europeans and their imitators. You can see that in number, men are extremely few in comparison to the countless animals, and yet they are sovereign rulers over all the animal species and vicegerents of the earth.
The harmful unbelievers and those depraved wretches who follow in their way
are a vicious species among Almighty God’s animals which the All-Wise Maker has created for the development and prosperity of the world. He has made them a unit of measurement in order to make known to His believing servants the degrees of the bounties He has bestowed on them, and finally will consign those animals to the Hell they deserve.