The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH | 178

Now I have reached the brink of my grave. I am standing at the head of my corpse stretched out beside it. Raising my head to the court of Your mercy, I cry out beseechingly  with  all  my  strength:  “Mercy!  Mercy!  Most  Clement!  Most  Kind! Deliver me from the heavy burden of my sins!

Now I have entered my grave, I am wrapped in my shroud. Those who came to send me on my way have left me alone and departed. I await Your forgiveness and mercy. I see clearly that other than You there is no place of refuge or succour. I cry out with all my strength at the ugly face of sin, the savage form of rebellion against God, at the narrowness of the place:

“Mercy! Mercy! Most Merciful One! Most Clement! Most Kind! Just Judge!

Deliver me from the companionship of my ugly sins! Broaden my place! My God! Your mercy is my recourse. Your Beloved, the Mercy to All the Worlds, the means to Your mercy. I complain, not about You, but about my soul and my state.

O  my Munificent  Creator  and  Compassionate  Sustainer! Your  creature  and

servant called Said is both rebellious, and impotent, and heedless, and ignorant, and sick, and  base, and a sinner, and aged, and a wrong-doer, and like a runaway slave; but forty years late he has repented and wants to return to Your court. He seeks refuge in Your mercy. He confesses his countless sins and errors. Suffering from doubts and every sort of affliction, he beseeches and entreats You. If out of Your perfect mercy You accept him, if You forgive and have mercy on him, that befits you. For You are the Most  Merciful of the Merciful.  If You  do  not accept me, whose door can I approach? What other door is there? Other than You there is no sustainer to whose court recourse may be made. Other than You there is nothing fit to  be worshipped with whom refuge may be sought.

There is no god but You, You are One, You have no partner; the last word in this world and the first word in the hereafter, and in the grave, is: I testify that there is no god but  God and I testify that Muhammad is His Messenger, may God Almighty grant him blessings and peace!

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