The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH | 175

The earth is as though shaken with a great tremor with the  invocations and glorifications of the World of Islam at the Festival Prayers. Proclaiming God is Most Great! with all its regions and climes, it forms its intention with the pure heart of the Kaba, its qibla, and on its uttering God is Most Great! with the tongue of Mount Arafat in the mouth of Mecca, that single phrase assumes a form in the air in the cave-like mouths of the believers in all parts of the earth. Just as through the echo of the words God is Most Great! innumerable God  is  Most  Greats come  into  being,  so  too  that  acceptable  recitation  and invocation causes the  heavens  to  ring out and resounds  rising  and  falling in  the Intermediate Realms.

We praise and glorify and exalt to the number of the particles of the earth the All-

Glorious One, who made the earth thus prostrate to Him in worship, glorifying and exalting Him, and made it a mosque for His servants and cradle for His creatures. And we offer praise to  Him to the number of beings that He made us members of the community of His  Noble  Messenger  (Upon whom  be blessings  and  peace),  who taught us worship of this kind.




Tenth Note


Know, O heedless, confused Said! If you are to attain to the light of knowledge of God and  look on it, and are to see its manifestations in the mirrors of signs and witnesses, and  behold its proofs and evidences, you should not examine it with the fingers of criticism. You  should not examine critically every light that passes over you or occurs to your heart or appears to your mind, or criticize it with the hand of hesitation. Do not stretch out your hand  to catch hold of a light that appears to you! Rather withdraw from the things that cause heedlessness, be turned to the light, and wait. For I have observed that the witnesses and proofs of knowledge of God are of three sorts:

One Sort is like water. It is visible and palpable, but cannot be held with the

fingers. For this sort, one has to detach oneself from illusions and submerge oneself in it as a whole. It cannot be spied on with the fingers of criticism; if it is, it flows away and is lost. The water of life cannot make the finger its dwelling!

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