The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH | 174

and one principle of the verse,


Verily when He intends a thing, His command is Be! and it is,(36:82)


and one point of the verse,


So glory to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things; and to Him will you all be brought back.(36:83)




Ninth Note


Know  that  among  mankind  prophethood  is  the  summary  and  foundation  of human good and perfections; True Religion is the index of prosperity and happiness; belief is sheer, transcendent good. Since apparent in this world are a shining beauty, an  extensive  and  exalted  good,  an  evident  truth,  and  superior  perfection,  self- evidently truth and reality lie in prophethood and in the hands of prophets. While evil, misguidance, and loss are with those who oppose them.

Of the thousands of merits of worship, consider only the following: the Prophet (UWBP)  unites  the  hearts  of  the  affirmers  of divine  unity  in  the  prayers  of the Festivals and of Friday, and worship performed in congregation. He brings together their tongues in a single phrase so that one man responds to the sublime address of the Pre-Eternal Worshipped One  with the voices, supplications, and invocations uttered by innumerable hearts and tongues. Strengthening one other, assisting one other and uniting, those voices, supplications, and  invocations display so expansive a worship before the Godhead of the Pre-Eternal All-Worshipped One that the globe of the earth as though recites the invocations, offers the supplications, and performs the prayers with its regions, and conforms with its climes to the command of


And be steadfast in prayer,(2:43, etc.)


which  was  revealed  with  glory  and  tremendousness  from  beyond  the  heavens. Through this mystery of unity, man, a miniscule, powerless creature in the universe like a particle, by virtue of the vastness of worship becomes a beloved servant of the Creator of the Heavens and  the Earth, vicegerent of the earth, the earths ruler and chief of the animals, and the result and aim of the universes creation.

Yes, if the voices of hundreds of millions of people proclaiming God is Most Great! after the five daily prayers, and particularly in the Festival Prayers, unite in the Manifest World as they do in the World of the Unseen, the globe in its entirety becomes a huge human being. Since the God is Most Great! it proclaims with a mighty voice is equal to its own greatness, the believers in divine unity  proclaiming God is Most Great! at the same instant in unison becomes a mighty God is Most Great! uttered by the earth.

No Voice