The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH | 172

It  is  because  of this  long and  mysterious  principle,  which  is  in  force in  the universe and is called a divine practice, that those idle, lazy people who live in ease and affluence for the most part suffer more distress than those who strive and work. For the idle always complain about their lives and want to pass them quickly by indulging in amusements. Whereas the one who works and  strives is thankful and offers praise and does not want his life to pass quickly. The  person  who  lives  in  idleness  and  ease  complains  about  his  life,  while  the industrious striver is thankful is a universal principle. It is also for this reason that the saying Ease lies in hardship, and hardship in ease has become proverbial.

Indeed, if inanimate creatures are studied carefully, it will be seen that on their undeveloped innate capacities and abilities expanding from the potential to the actual through  great  effort  and  exertion,  a  state  similar  to  the  above-mentioned  divine practice comes  about. This shows that the natural duty produces an eagerness and pleasure. If the inanimate creature partakes of general life, the eagerness is its own; otherwise it pertains to the thing which represents and supervises the creature. It may even be said that when subtle, delicate  water receives the command to  freeze, it conforms with such intense eagerness that it may split iron, breaking it into pieces. That is to say, in conveying the dominical command of Expand! with the tongue of freezing sub-zero temperature to the water in a closed iron  container, it breaks the container with its intense eagerness. It splits the iron and itself becomes ice.

You can make analogies with this for everything. From the rotations of the suns and their  peregrinations to the Mevlevi-like spinning and turning and vibrations of minute particles,  all striving and motion in the universe turns on the law of divine determining and proceeds from the hand of divine power and is manifested through the creative command which comprises divine will, knowledge, and command.

Each particle, each creature, each living being, even, resembles a soldier who has different relations with all the sections of the army and different duties that look to each; all particles and living beings are similar to this. For example, a particle in your eye has a relation with the cells of the eye, with the eye itself, the facial nerves, and the blood vessels of the body; and it has duties arising from those relations, and yields benefits in accordance with those duties. And so on, you can compare everything with this. Thus, everything testifies to  the Necessary  Existence of the Pre-Eternal All- Powerful One in two respects:

The  First:  By  carrying  out  duties  far  exceeding  its  own  power,  everything testifies to the All-Powerful Ones existence.

The Second: By acting in conformity with the laws that form the order of the world and principles that perpetuate the balance of beings, everything testifies to that All-Knowing  and  All-Powerful  One.  For  lifeless  things  like  particles,  and  tiny animals like bees cannot know order and balance, which are the subtle matters of the Clear Book. How can a lifeless particle and tiny bee read the subtle, significant matters of the Clear Book, which is in the hand of the All-Glorious One, who opens and closes and gathers up the levels of the heavens as though  they  were  the  pages  of  a  notebook?  If  you  crazily  suppose  the  particle possesses an eye capable of reading the fine letters of that book, you can try to refute the particles testimony!

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