The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH | 187

Fifteenth Note


This consists of three matters.23


T h e  F i r s t  M a t t e r


This is the verse


And whoever has done an atoms weight of good shall see it,  * And whoever has done an atoms weight of evil, shall see it.(99:7-8)


which indicates the fullest manifestation of the name of Preserver. If you want proof of this  truth of the All-Wise Qur’an, look at the pages of the book of the universe, which  is  written  on  the  pattern  of  the  Clear  Book;  you  will  see  the  maximum manifestation of the divine name of Preserver and many things similar in many ways to the supreme truth of this verse.

For instance, take a handful of seeds of various trees, flowers, and plants, which

are like the small coffers and are themselves all different and various, then bury them in the  darkness of simple and lifeless earth. Then water them with simple water, which lacks balance, cannot distinguish things, and runs wherever you pour it.

Now come back in the spring, the arena of the annual resurrection, and look! Note carefully the time in the spring when the Israfil-like angel of thunder calls out to the rain as though sounding his trumpet, giving the good news of the breath of life being breathed into  the seeds buried beneath the ground; you will see that under the manifestation of the divine name of Preserver, those seeds that resemble each other and are all mixed up and confused, conform perfectly and without error to the creative commands proceeding from the All-Wise  Creator. They conform so exactly that in their growth a brilliant consciousness, insight,  purpose, will, knowledge, perfection, and wisdom are apparent. For you see that those seeds which all resemble each other separate out and are distinguished from one another.

For example, this tiny seed has become a fig-tree, it has started to spread the All- Wise Creator’s bounties over our heads. It distributes them, stretching them out to us with its hands. And these two seeds which are superficially the same have produced the flowers called  sun-flowers and pansies. They have adorned themselves for us. They smile in our faces, making us love them. And this sort of seed has produced fine fruits; they became shoots, then trees. Whetting our appetites with their delectable





23 The second and third matters of the Fifteenth Note are parts of the Twenty-Fourth Flash. The second is included in the Twenty-Fourth Flash, and the third in Barla Lahikası.

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