The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH | 188

tastes, scents, and forms, they invite us to themselves. They sacrifice themselves for their customers so that they may rise from the level of vegetable life to that of animal life.  And  so  on.  You  can  make  further  examples  in  the  same  way.  The  seeds developed  in  such  a  way  that  the  single  handful  became  a  garden  filled  with multifarious  trees  and  flowers.  There  was  no  fault,  no  error  among  them.  They demonstrated the meaning of the verse,


So turn your vision again; do you see any flaw?(67:3)


Through the manifestation and bestowal of the name of Preserver, each of the seeds preserves and shows without confusion or defect the legacy inherited from its parent and origins.

This is a certain indication that the Preserver who carries out this wondrous work will demonstrate the supreme manifestation of His preservation at the resurrection of the dead and Last Judgement.

Yes, the manifestation of preservation that is thus faultless and without defect in

insignificant, fleeting,  transient  states  is  a decisive  proof that  the  actions,  works, words, and good deeds and bad deeds of man, the holder of the Supreme Trust and vicegerent of the earth deeds which have an eternal effect and supreme importance

are precisely preserved and will be subject to account.

Does man suppose he will be left to his own devices? God forbid! He is destined for eternity, and for everlasting happiness and perpetual misery. He will be called to account for  all his actions, small and great, many and few. He will receive either reward or punishment.

Witnesses to the maximum manifestation of preservation and to the truth of the first-mentioned verse are beyond count or calculation. Those we have shown in this Matter are a mere drop from the ocean, an atom from a mountain.


Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)

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