The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 233

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Their prophets said: Is there any doubt about God, Creator of the heavens and the earth?(14:10)


By declaring through the use of a rhetorical question that there cannot and should not be  any doubt about God Almighty, this  verse clearly demonstrates the divine existence and unity.


A point to be mentioned before our discussion:


When I went to Ankara in 1922, the morale of the people of belief was extremely high as  a result  of the  victory of  the army of Islam over  the Greeks.  But I saw that an abominable current of atheism was treacherously trying to  subvert,  poison and destroy their minds. O God! I said, this monster is going to harm the fundamentals of belief. At that point, since the above-mentioned verse makes self-evidently plain Gods existence and unity, I sought assistance from it and  wrote a treatise in Arabic consisting of a proof taken from the All-Wise Qur’an that was powerful enough to disperse and destroy that atheistic current. I had it printed in Ankara at the Yeni Gün Press. But, alas, those who knew Arabic were few and those who considered it seriously were rare. Also, its argument was in an extremely concise and abbreviated form. As a result, the treatise did not have the  effect it should have  done  and  sadly,  the  current  of  atheism  both  swelled  and  gained strength. Now, I feel compelled to explain a part of the proof in Turkish. Since certain parts of it have been fully explained in other sections of the Risale-i  Nur,  it  will  be  written  in  summary form  here.  Those  numerous proofs in part unite in this proof; so each may be seen as an element of this proof.




O man! You should be aware that there are certain phrases which are commonly used and   imply  unbelief.  The  believers  also  use  them,  but  without  realizing  their implications. We shall explain three of the most important of them.

The First: Causes create this.

The Second: It forms itself; it comes into existence and later ceases to exist. The Third: It is natural; nature necessitates and creates it.

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