The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 235

Similarly,  each  living  being  may  be  likened  to  the  living  potion  in  the comparison, and each plant to a living remedy. For they are composed of matter that has been taken in most precise measure from truly numerous and truly various substances. If these are attributed to causes and the elements and it is claimed, Causes created  these, it is unreasonable, impossible and absurd a hundred times over, just as it was to  claim that the potion in the pharmacy came into existence through the phials being knocked over; by accident.

I n  S h o r t : The vital substances in this vast pharmacy of the universe, which are measured on the scales of divine determining and decree of the All-Wise and Pre- Eternal One,  can only come into  existence through a  boundless  wisdom, infinite knowledge and all-encompassing will. The unfortunate person who declares that they are the work of blind, deaf and innumerable elements and causes and natures, which stream like floods; and the foolish, delirious person who claims that that wondrous remedy poured itself out when the  phials were knocked over and formed itself, are certainly  unreasonable  and  nonsensical.   Indeed,  such  denial  and  unbelief  is  a senseless absurdity.


Second Impossibility


If everything is not attributed to the All-Powerful and All-Glorious One, who is the Single One of Unity, and is attributed to causes, it necessitates that many of the elements and causes present in the universe intervene in the being of every animate creature. Whereas that different and mutually opposing and conflicting causes should come together of their own accord in complete order, with the finest balance and in perfect  concord  in  the  being  of  a  tiny  creature,  like  a  fly,  is  such  an  obvious impossibility that anyone with even an iota  of  consciousness would say: This is impossible; it could not be!

The tiny body of a fly is connected with most of the elements and causes in the universe; indeed, it is a summary of them. If it is not attributed to the Pre-Eternal and All-Powerful One, it is necessary for those material causes to be themselves present in the immediate vicinity of the fly; rather, for them all to enter into its tiny body; and even for them to enter each of the cells of its eyes, which are minute samples of its body. For if a cause is of a material nature, it is necessary for it to be present in the immediate vicinity of, and inside, its effect. And this  necessitates accepting that the constituents and elements of the universe are physically present  inside that minute cell, a place too small even for the tip of its antenna, and that  they work there in harmony like a master.

A way such as this, then, shames even the most foolish of the Sophists.

No Voice