The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 239

First Impossibility


If the art and creativity, which are discerning and wise, to be seen in beings and particularly in animate beings are not attributed to the pen of divine determining and power of the Pre-Eternal Sun, and instead are attributed to nature and force, which are blind,  deaf  and  unthinking,  it  becomes  necessary  that  nature  either  should  have present  in  everything  machines  and  printing-presses  for  their  creation,  or  should include  in  everything  power  and  wisdom  enough  to  create  and  administer  the universe. The reason for this is as follows:

The suns manifestations and reflections appear in all small fragments of glass

and droplets on the face of the earth. If those miniature, reflected imaginary suns are not ascribed to the sun in the sky, it is necessary to accept the external existence of an actual sun in every tiny fragment of glass smaller than a match-head, which possesses the suns qualities  and  which, though small in size, bears profound  meaning; and therefore to accept actual suns to the number of pieces of glass.

In  exactly the  same  way,  if  beings  and  animate  creatures  are  not  attributed directly to the manifestation of the Pre-Eternal Suns names, it becomes necessary to accept that in each being, and especially animate beings, there lies a nature, a force, or quite simply a god  that  will sustain an infinite power and will, and knowledge and wisdom. Such an idea is the most absurd and superstitious of all the impossibilities in the universe. It demonstrates that a man who attributes the art of the Creator of the universe  to  imaginary,  insignificant,  unconscious  nature  is  without  a  doubt  less conscious of the truth than an animal.


Second Impossibility


If beings, which are most well-ordered and well-measured, wise and artistically fashioned, are not ascribed to One who is infinitely powerful and wise and instead are attributed to nature, there has to be present in every bit of soil as many factories and printing-presses as there are in Europe so that each bit of soil can be the means for the growth and formation of innumerable flowers and fruits, of which it is the place of origin and workshop. The seeds of flowers are sown in turn in a bowl of soil, which performs the duty of a flower-pot for them. An ability is apparent in the bowl of soil that will give shapes  and forms which differ  greatly  from one another to  all the flowers sown in it. If that ability is not attributed to the All-Glorious and All-Powerful One, such a situation could not occur without there being  in  the bowlful of soil immaterial, different and natural machines for each flower.

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