The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 240

This is because the matter of which seeds, like sperm and eggs for example, consists is the same. That is, they consist of an orderless, formless, paste-like mixture of oxygen,  hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. Together with this, since air, water, heat and light also are each simple, unconscious and flow against everything in floods, the fact that the all-different forms of those flowers emerge from the soil in a most well- ordered  and  artistic  fashion  self-evidently and  necessarily requires  that  there  are present in the soil in the bowl immaterial, miniature printing-presses and factories to the number of presses and factories in  Europe so that they could weave this great number of living fabrics and thousands of various embroidered textiles.

So you can see how far the unbelieving thought of the Naturalists has deviated

from the realm of reason. And although brainless pretenders who imagine nature to be creator claim to be men of science and reason, see just how distant from reason and science is their  thought, so that they have taken a  superstition that is  in no  way possible, that is impossible, as a way for themselves. See this and laugh at them!

I f         y o  u   a  s k  :  If such extraordinary impossibilities and  insurmountable difficulties occur  when beings  are  attributed  to nature,  how  are  those difficulties removed  when they are attributed to the Single and Eternally Besought One? And how is the difficult impossibility transformed into that easy necessity?

T h e  A n s w e r : We saw in the First Impossibility that the manifestation of the suns reflection displays its radiance and effect through miniature imaginary suns with complete ease and lack of trouble in everything from the minutest inanimate particle to the surface of the  vastest ocean. If each particles relationship with the sun is severed, it becomes necessary to  accept that the external existence of an actual sun could subsist, with a difficulty at the  level of impossibility, in each of those minute particles.

Similarly, if each being is ascribed directly to the Single Eternally Besought One, everything necessary for each being can be conveyed to it through a connection and manifestation  with  an  ease  and  facility  that  is  at  the  level  of  necessity.  If  the connection is severed and each being reverts from its position as an official to being without  duties, and is left to nature and its own devices, it becomes necessary to suppose that, with a hundred thousand difficulties and obstacles that reach the degree of impossibility, blind nature possesses within it the power and wisdom to create and administer the universe so that it might bring into existence the wonderful machine of the being of an animate creature like a fly, which is a tiny index of the universe. This is impossible not just once but thousands of times over.

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