The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 243

You mistaken unfortunate! Your foolishness exceeds anything imaginable! Lift your head out of the swamp of nature and look beyond yourself! See an All-Glorious Maker to whom all beings from particles to planets testify with their different tongues and to  whom they  point with their fingers! Behold  the  manifestation of the Pre- Eternal  Inscriber,  who  fashions  the  palace  and  who  writes  its  programme  in  the notebook! Study His decree,  listen  to the Qur’an! Be delivered from your delirious raving!

Second Comparison: A rustic bumpkin entered the bounds of a splendid palace and saw there the uniform actions of an extremely well-disciplined army carrying out its drill. He observed a battalion, a regiment and a division stand to attention, stand at ease and march, and open fire when commanded as though they were a single private. Since his rude, uncultured mind could not comprehend, so denied, that a commander had been given command by the countrys laws and by royal decree, he imagined that the soldiers were attached to one another with strings. He thought of what wonderful string it must be, and was amazed.

Later, he continued on his way till he came upon a mosque as magnificent as Aya Sophia.  He entered it at the time of Friday prayer and watched the congregation of Muslims rising, bowing, prostrating and sitting at the sound of mans voice. Since he did not understand the Sharia, which consists of a collection of immaterial, revealed laws, nor the immaterial rules proceeding from the Lawgiver’s command, he fancied the  congregation  to  be  bound  to  one  another  by  physical  string,  and  that  this wonderful  string  had  subjected  them  and  was  making  them  move  like  puppets. Coming up with this idea, which is so ridiculous as to  make the most ignorant roar with laughter, he went on his way.

Exactly like this comparison, an atheist who subscribed to materialist thought,

which  is  denial  and  pure  brutishness,  entered  the  universe,  which  is  a  splendid barracks of the Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post-Eternity for His innumerable forces, and a well-ordered mosque of that Pre-Eternal All-Worshipped One. He imagined the immaterial laws of the ordering of the universe, which proceed from the Pre-Eternal Monarchs wisdom, each to  have material and physical existence; and supposed the theoretical laws of the sovereignty of  dominicality, and the rules and ordinances of the Greater Sharia, the Sharia of Creation,  which are immaterial and exist only as knowledge, each to have external, material and  physical existence. But to set up in place of divine power those laws, which proceed from the divine attributes of knowledge and speech and only exist as knowledge, and to attribute creation to them; then to attach the name nature to them, and to deem force, which is merely a manifestation of dominical power, to be an independent almighty possessor of power, is a  thousand times more low-fallen ignorance than the ignorance in the comparison.

No Voice