The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Sixth Flash | 312

One thousandth of that manifestation of mercy is this: I returned to Barla from that  sorrowful valley and melancholy state of mind, where I saw that a young man called Kuleönlü Mustafa had come to ask me some questions about the five daily prayers and ablutions. Although I did not accept visitors at that hour, my spirit perceived as though with foresight his sincerity of spirit and the future valuable services he would perform for the Risale-i Nur,11  and I did not turn him away, I accepted him.12 It later became clear that Almighty God sent Mustafa to me as a sample in place of Abdurrahman, who as a worthy successor would carry out completely the duty of a true heir in the work of the Risale-i Nur, as though saying: I took one Abdurrahman from you, but I shall give you thirty like the Mustafa you see in return,  who will be both students, and nephews, and spiritual sons, and brothers, and self-sacrificing comrades in this duty for religion.

Yes, praise be to God, He gave me thirty Abdurrahmans. So I told myself: O weeping heart! Since you have seen this sample and through him He has healed the most  serious of your spiritual wounds, be assured that He will heal all the rest of them.

My elderly brothers and sisters who like me have lost at the time of their old age a child or relative they love dearly, and who have to bear the searing sorrows of separation  together  with  the  burdens  of old  age! You  have  understood  from  my situation that although it was much harsher than yours, it was cured and healed by a verse of the Qur’an. This being so, there are remedies in that sacred pharmacy to heal all your difficulties.  If  you have recourse to it through belief and make use of those remedies through  worship,  the  heavy  burdens  of  your  old  age  and  your  sorrows  will  be alleviated considerably.




11 With his fine pen, Mustafas younger brother, Küçük Ali, wrote out more than seven hundred copies of parts of the Risale-i Nur and himself became an Abdurrahman. He also trained many other Abdurrahmans.

12 He truly showed that he was not only worthy of being accepted, but also worthy of the future.*

* An event confirming that Ustads prediction that Mustafa, the first student of the Risale-i Nur, was worthy of the future:

The day preceding the eve ofEid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifices, Ustad intended to go out to take some air. When he sent me to fetch the horse, I said to him: Dont you go down. Ill lock the door from the back, and go out from the wood-store. Ustad said: No. You go out of the door. And he went down. After I had gone out, he bolted the door after me. I went out and he returned upstairs. He then slept. A while later Kuleön Mustafa arrived together with Haji Osman. Ustad was not accepting anyone, and he was not going to accept anyone. He would never have taken in two people together, especially at that hour, and would have turned them away. Nevertheless, when our brother Kuleönlü Mustafa, whom we are talking about here, came with Haji Osman, it was as though the door said to him through the tongue of disposition: “Ustad will not accept you, but Ill open for you. And although it was bolted from the inside, the door opened of its own accord for Mustafa. That is to say, just as the future verified what Ustad had said about him: Mustafa is worthy of the future, so did the door testify to it.

Signed:  Hüsrev

Yes, what Hüsrev has written is correct and I confirm it. The door both greeted this blessed

Mustafa in my place, and accepted him.                              Said Nursi

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