The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Sixth Flash | 320

Reality wanted the passing of my body, though my heart desired its immortality;

I was afflicted with an incurable ill that not even Luqman could cure!

I bowed my head in despair. Suddenly the verse, For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs came to my assistance, summoning me to read it with attention. So I  recited it five hundred times every day. The more I recited it, nine levels of meaning were unfolded to me out of its many lights, at the level ofcertainty at the degree of knowledge, and even ofcertainty at the degree of witnessing.


The First Level of the Luminous Verse For us God suffices


By virtue of a shadow in my essential being of a manifestation of a name of the One of Glory and Perfection, who, possessing absolute perfection, is of Himself and for no other reason worthy of love, I had an innate desire for immortality, directed not to  my own  immortality but  to  the  existence,  perfection,  and  immortality of that Absolutely Perfect  One. But due to heedlessness that innate love had lost its way, become attached to the shadow and enamoured of the mirror of immortality. Then the verse, For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs raised the veil. I saw and felt and experienced at the degree of absolute certainty that the pleasure and happiness of my immortality lay exactly and in more perfect form in the immortality of the Enduring One of Perfection and in affirming my Sustainer and God, and in believing in Him, and submitting to Him. The evidence for this has been explained in the Fourth Ray, the treatise on the verse For us God suffices, in twelve  sections which are extremely profound and subtle and will fill with wonder anyone with fine sensibilities.


The Second Level of the Luminous Verse For us God suffices


At a time when, in my old age, exile, aloneness, and isolation, the worldly were attacking me with their spies and stratagems despite my boundless innate impotence, I told my heart: Whole armies are attacking a single man whose hands are tied and is ill and weak. Is there  nothing from which he can seek help? I had recourse to the verse For us God suffices and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs, and it informed me of the following:

No Voice