The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Sixth Flash | 321

Through the document of belief, you become connected to a Ruler of Absolute Power who every spring equips in perfect order all the plant and animal armies on the face of the earth composed of four hundred thousand different nations. In addition, He  places in the extracts of the Most Merciful known as seeds and grains, which are like the meat, sugar and other food extracts discovered recently by the people of civilization but a hundred times more perfect, all the sustenance of the huge armies of foremost man, and of all the animals. He folds up inside those extracts the instructions of divine determining concerning their cooking and development, and places them in their tiny protective cases. The creation of those tiny coffers is with such ease, speed, and abundance from the Ka\f. Nu\n factory, which is governed by the  command  of  Be! and  it  is, that  the  Quran  states:  The  Creator  merely commands and it comes into being. Gaining such support with the document of the relationship of belief, you can rely on an infinite strength and power. As I assimilated this  lesson from the verse, I found such a moral strength arising from belief that through its power I could have challenged not only my present enemies, but the whole world. With all my spirit I declared: For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!


The Third Level of the Luminous Verse For us God suffices


At a time when, finding my attachment to the world to be broken due to suffering the oppression of those exiles and illnesses, belief recalled to me that I was destined for perpetual happiness in an eternal world, an everlasting realm, I gave up sighing regretfully, which caused further grief and yearning, and became cheerful and happy. However, this goal of the imagination and spirit and result of mans nature could only be realized through the infinite power of an Absolutely Omnipotent One who knows and records the action and rest and  conduct and states, in word  and deed, of all creatures, and takes as His friend and addressee insignificant and absolutely impotent man, giving him a rank superior to all beings; it could only be realized through His infinite favours to man and the importance He gives him. While thinking of these two points,  that  is,  the  activity  of  such  a  power  and  the  importance  of  apparently insignificant man, I wanted an explanation which would deepen belief and satisfy the heart. Again I had recourse to the verse, and it told me to note the na\, For us, and to heed who is saying For us God suffices together with me.

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