The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-NINTH FLASH | 383

The  orderly,  measured  writings  of  the  pen  of  His  determining  and  decree, according to knowledge and wisdom; The depictions of the compasses of His knowledge and wisdom, traced with art; The  adornments  of  the  shining  hand  of  His  art  and  bestowal  of  form,  His embellishing and illuminating, with grace and munificence;

The flowers of the subtleties of His grace and munificence, His making Himself known and loved, bountifully, with mercy;

The fruits of the superabundance of the fount of His mercy and bounty, His pit y and tenderness, with beauty and perfection;

The  flashes  of  an  eternal  beauty,  a  perpetual  perfection,  testified  to  by  the transience of the mirrors and flowing on of the places of reflection together with the continuance of the beautys manifestation throughout the passage of the seasons, the centuries, and epochs, together with the perpetual bestowal of bounty throughout the passage of creatures, time, and beings.

Yes, the fleeting nature of the mirrors and the passing of beings together with the constant manifestations and effulgences shows with the utmost clarity that the evident beauty and shining perfection do not belong to the places of manifestation; they prove most clearly and eloquently that they belong to a transcendent Beauty, a transcendent Bestower, to the Necessary Existent, the Enduring One, the Loving One.

For a perfect work self-evidently points to a perfect act. A perfect act necessarily points to  a perfect name and a perfect performer of the act. And a perfect name doubtlessly points  to  a perfect attribute. A perfect attribute indubitably points to a perfect quality. And a perfect quality certainly points in a way worthy of such a one, to the perfection of his essence. This is absolutely certain.




God is Most Great, may His glory be exalted! For He is All-Just, the Pre-Eternal All-Wise Arbiter and Sovereign, who established the body of the tree of the universe in six days in accordance with the principles of His wisdom and will. He divided it into sections in accordance with the rules of His determining and decree. He set it in order through the laws of His practices. He adorned and embellished it according to the laws of His mercy and favour. He illumined it through the manifestations of His names  and  attributes.  All  this  is  testified  to  by  the  order  and  regularity of  His artefacts, the adorning of His beings, and  their mutual resemblance and harmony, their mutual assistance and co-operation, their embracing one another, and the  conscious,  skilful  art  in  all  things  in  accordance  with  the  measure  of  their capacities, specified by divine determining.

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