The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-NINTH FLASH | 385

the worship in it being a means of bringing together its beginning and its end, and the cause of its perfections becoming apparent and the purposes of its Maker being realized,

together  with  these,  all  the  rest  of  the  universes  attributes,   states,  and circumstances testify that all its  beings are under  the direction of a Single  Wise Planner, and sustained by a Single Munificent Provider; that they are all the servants of a Single Master; under the disposal of a Single Disposer, and that their source is the power of a Single One the many seals of whose unity are apparent on all the missives of all the pages of His beings.

Yes, all flowers and fruits, and plants and trees, and animals and stones, and even

particles and clods, in all valleys and on all mountains, and deserts and wildernesses, are seals on the inscriptions and the works. To those who look with care, they show that whoever fashioned the work, wrote the inscription that comprises the place it is found. He is also the Inscriber of the face of the earth and beneath the seas. He also inscribed the sun and the moon on the face of the heavens, which contains many such missives. May the glory of their Inscriber be exalted, God is Most Great!

The world and all in it recite together There is no god but He!



God is Most Great! For He is the All-Powerful Creator, the Giver of Form, All- Seeing,  proofs of whose divinity and tremendousness are the heavenly bodies and brilliant glittering  stars; they are rays testifying to His dominicality and splendour. They  testify  to  and   proclaim  His  glittering  sovereignty  and  dominicality;  they proclaim the vast extent of His rule and His wisdom, and the majestic vastness of His power.

Listen to the verse:


Do they not lok at the sky above them? How We have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it?(50:6)


Then look at the face of the heavens, you see how it is silent in its tranquillity, in motion with wisdom, radiant with majesty, how it smiles with its adornment, within the order of its creation, the symmetry of its art.

The shining of its lamp, the sun, for the changing of the seasons, the stages of its candle,  the moon,  to  illuminate the tracks, the glittering of its stars to adorn the worlds, proclaim to those who think an infinite, unending sovereignty that regulates this world.



3   This is explained and illustrated in the Addendum to the First Stopping-Place of the Thirty- Second Word and in the Second Station of the Twentieth Word.

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