The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-NINTH FLASH | 388

According to all these, particles are equal to the stars before that power, few are equal to many, small are equal to great, the parts and equal to the whole, particulars are equal to universals, man is equal to the world, and the seed equal to the tree; it cannot be deemed unlikely that whoever creates the former creates the latter. For the beings that are encompassed are miniature samples of the universal, encompassing beings, and like tiny missives, or points distilled from them. That is to say, the thing that is encompassed has to be in the grasp of power of the  Creator  of  the   encompassing  being  so  that  the  miniature  sample  of  the encompassing being may be  contained within the encompassed thing through the principles of His knowledge, and the  summary of the encompassing being may be pressed out of it in accordance with the balance of His wisdom.

A Qur’an of Wisdom  written on  an atom in particles  of ether is  of  no  less eloquence than a Qur’an of Grandeur written on the pages of the heavens with the ink of the sun and stars. Similarly, the creation of a bee or an ant is of no less eloquence than the  creation  of a date-palm or an elephant, and the art in a rose is of no less eloquence than a shining star. And so on, further examples may be made in the same way.

Furthermore, the complete ease in the creation of things has led the people of misguidance   to   confuse   the   formation   of   things   with   self-formation,   which necessitates superstitious impossibilities that not only the reason rejects, but from which even fancy flees in disgust, while for the people of truth and reality it proves certainly and  necessarily that before the power of the Creator of the universe, stars and particles are equal.

May His glory be exalted and name be magnified; there is no god but He!



May His glory be exalted and sublimity extolled, God is Most Great! In regard to power and knowledge He is greater than all things. For He is All-Just, All-Wise, All- Powerful,  All-Knowing, One, Single, the Pre-Eternal Sovereign. All the worlds are within the grasp of His order and balance, and ordering and balancing; of His justice, and wisdom, and  knowledge,  and power, and under their sway. They manifest His unity and oneness, as may be surmised certainly, indeed, may be observed. For there is nothing in existence which is  outside the bounds of the order and balance and ordering and balancing. They are the two domains of the Clear Record and the Clear Book. These are two titles, the former of the  knowledge and command of the All- Knowing and Wise One, the latter of the power and will of that Mighty and All-Compassionate One. For the order and balance in this Book and Record are two shining proofs for people of reason who have two eyes in their head, that nothing at  all  in existence and time is outside the grasp of power of a Most Merciful One, the ordering of One Most Kind, the adorning of One Most Clement, the balancing of a Requiter.




4   If this sixth degree had been written similarly to the other degrees, it would have been extremely lengthy, for the Clear Book and the Clear Record cannot be explained in concise terms. However, there is a brief discussion of it in the Thirtieth Word, so we have cut short the discussion here, and left detailed explanation of it to the study session [ders].

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