The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-NINTH FLASH | 389

I n  S h o r t : The manifestations of the names of First and Last in creation look to the beginnings and ends of beings, and their origin and progeny, and the past and the future, and to the divine command and knowledge; they point to the Clear Record. While the manifestation of the names of Outward and Inward in the creation of things indicate the Clear Book.

For the universe is like a vast tree, and all the worlds within it also are like trees. You may therefore draw a comparison between the creation of a single tree and that of the  universe  together with all its worlds and realms. The tree has an origin and source, which is the seed from which it sprang, and it has a progeny which continues its functions after its death, which is the seed in its fruit.

Thus its beginning and end are the manifestations of the names of First and Last. Through order and wisdom, its beginning and original seed are an index and timetable comprising all the laws of the trees formation. The seeds in its fruits, which are its end, are the place of manifestation of the name of Last.

The seeds in its fruit created with perfect wisdom are like small coffers in which

have been placed an index and timetable for the formation of a similar tree. Inscribed in them  with the pen of divine determining are the laws of the formation of future trees.

The trees outer aspect is the manifestation of the name of Outward. For its outer

appearance  displays  perfect  order  and  balancing  and  wisdom,  like an ornate and decorated  garment with which the tree has been clothed with perfect wisdom and grace in accordance with the measure of its stature.

The trees inner aspect is the manifestation of the name of Inward. It displays perfect order and planning and astounds minds. It distributes the substances necessar y for the trees life to its various members with complete regularity, as though this inner aspect were a wondrous machine working with the utmost orderly balance.

Thus, its origin is a wondrous timetable and its end an astonishing index, both indicating the Clear Record. While its outer aspect is a gorgeous robe full of art, and its inner aspect, a machine of the utmost regularity; both pointing to the Clear Book.

Just as mans faculty of memory points to the Preserved Tablet and is a proof it, so the original seeds of trees and their fruits point to the Clear

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