The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-NINTH FLASH | 390

Record. While their outer and inner aspects allude to the Clear Book. Comparisons may therefore be drawn between this particular tree and the tree of the earth and its past and its future, and the tree of the universe and its beginnings and its future, and the tree of man and his forebears and progeny. And so on.

May their Creator’s glory be exalted, there is no god but He!

Oh One Sublime! You guide not the mind to the true essence of Your grandeur nor lead it to the substance of Your tremendousness, for it is powerless to comprehend them!




God is Most Great, may His glory be exalted! In respect of power and knowlege He is  greater than all things. For He is the Creator,5   the Opener, the Doer, Most Knowing, the Bestower, Most Effulgent, the Pre-Eternal Sun. The universe together

with its realms and beings is a shadow thrown by His lights; they are the works of His acts, and the colours of the impresses of the various manifestations of His names, and the lines inscribed  by the pen of His determining and decree, and mirrors to the manifestations of His attributes, beauty, glory, and perfection.

According to the consensus of the Pre-Eternal Witness, known through all His

Books and Scriptures, and His Qur’anic verses, and creational signs;

And  the  consensus  of  the  earth with  all  its  worlds,  together  with  their  total essential want and need, and the absolute wealth and riches displayed on them;

And the consensus of all the prophets, saints, and purified scholars, the people of witnessing with luminous spirits, light-filled hearts, and illumined minds, through all their researches, uncoverings, effulgences, and invocations;

All  from  the  earth  to  the  lofty  and  lowly bodies  with  their  endless  certain testimony and certain affirmation, agree in accepting the testimony of the creational signs and Quranic verses, and the revealed Books and Scriptures, the very testimony of  the  Necessary  Existent  One,  that  all  beings  are  the  works  of  His  power,  the missives of His determining, the mirrors to His names, and the representations of His Lights.

May His glory be exalted, there is no god but He!





5   If one looks through the telescopes of these divine names at the divine acts and works beneath their manifestations in beings, the mind is transposed to the Glorious One whom the names signify.

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