The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-NINTH FLASH | 387

Yes, all beings being given order and particular attributes from among limitless possibilities,  amid  fruitless  ways  from  among  confused  floods  of  incongruous elements, with such fine and sensitive order, and their being given balance with such fine and sensitive balance, as is to be observed; and the creation of the various well- ordered living beings from simple life less matter like man and his physical systems from sperm, and birds and their limbs from eggs, and trees and their various members from seeds show that all things are specified and determined through His will, choice, and volition. Just as things of the same sort corresponding to one another and members of the same species resembling each other in regard to basic members shows that of necessity their Maker is One, Single;  so  too  each   member  having  a  wise  individuality  marked  by  orderly distinguishing features indicates  that that One, Single Maker is an Agent with Will and Choice who acts as He wishes and commands as He wills.

Just as that All-Knowing and Willing Creator has knowledge of all things and is willing of all things, and has all-embracing knowledge and all-encompassing will and total choice; so  too He has necessary, essential perfect power, proceeding from His Essence and necessary to it. The intervention of its opposite is impossible, as all are agreed. So there are no degrees in His power. Particles and stars are equal in relation to it, as are many and few, small and great,  particulars and universals, parts and the whole, man and the universe, and the seed and the tree.

Through the mystery of luminosity, transparency, reciprocity, balance, order, and conformity;

According to  the testimony of absolute order, absolute balance,  and  absolute differentiation, together with absolute speed, ease, and multiplicity;

Through the mystery of the assistance of unity,  the facility of unity, and the manifestation of oneness;

Through  the  wisdom  of necessity,  total  detachment  and  disengagedness,  and complete otherness of essence;

Through  the  mystery  of  unrestrictedness,  not  being  bound  by  space,  and indivisibility;

Through the wisdom of the transformation of obstructions and difficulties into means of facilitation if there were need, though there is none like veins in human beings and metal wires for conducting electricity and subtle forces;

Through the wisdom of particles being of no less eloquence than the stars, nor particulars of less eloquence than universals, nor parts less than wholes, nor the few less than the many, nor the small less than the great, nor man less than the world, nor seeds being of less eloquence than the tree;

No Voice