The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 408

In  Short:  Since  the  universe  exists  and  cannot  be  denied,  neither  can  such observable truths as wisdom, grace, mercy, beauty, order, balance, and adornment, which are like the colours, embellishments, lights, rays, arts, lives, and bonds of the universe be denied. Since it is impossible to deny these  attributes and acts, certainly the Necessarily Existent, All-Wise, Munificent, Compassionate,  Beauteous, Sapient, and Just One also, who is the One signified by those attributes, and is  the  Doer of those deeds, and the Sun and Source of those lights, can in  no  way be denied.  And  certainly the messengership  of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), who is the supreme guide, most perfect teacher, pre-eminent herald, solver of the talisman of the  universe, mirror of the Eternally Besought One, beloved of the Most Merciful, and the means of those attributes and acts being known, indeed of their perfection, and even of their being realized, can in no way be denied. His messenership is the universes most brilliant  light, like the lights of the world of reality and of the reality of the universe.


Blessings and peace be upon him to the number of seconds of the days and of the particles of creatures.


Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which you have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)

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