The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 410

Disregarding the truly orderly, yet hidden, stamps of the mineral substances, the elements,   and  inanimate  creatures  of  the  earth,  consider  the  following  stamp consisting of the woven threads of the two hundred thousand animal species and two hundred thousand plant species: we see with our own eyes in the spring on the earth that  all  things  with  their  different  duties,  different  forms,  different  sustenance, different members are given  everything they need, without confusion and without error, with complete distinction and differentiation, with extremely sensitive balance, without difficulty, at  exactly the right  time,  from unexpected  places despite their being one within the other and all mixed up together. This situation, this planning, this administration forms such a seal of divine unity and stamp of oneness that one who cannot create all those creatures at once from nothing, cannot interfere in anything at all  in  respect  of  dominicality  and  creation.  For  if  something  had  interfered,  the equilibrium of that utterly vast administration would have been spoilt. However, man apparently serves the smooth application of those laws of dominicality, at the divine command.

T h i r d  S t a m p : This stamp of divine oneness is on mans face, indeed, is mans face: one who does not hold in his gaze all the human beings who have come and will come from the time of Adam till the end of the world, and cannot place a distinguishing mark on each of their faces, indeed, hundreds of distinguishing marks, can have no part in respect of creation in the stamp of unity on the face of any single one of them. Yes, the one who places  that stamp on mans face must surely hold within his view and encompass with his  knowledge all the members of the human race, for although the basic members of the human face resemble one another, each face possesses points of difference. All the members of the face, such as the eye and ear, resembling each other forms a stamp of unity testifying that humankinds Maker is One; similarly, the many wise differences unlike other species  distinguishing one from the other so they are not confused and to preserve the rights of all of them, are both subtle stamps of divine oneness,  and  denote the Maker  of unitys  will, choice, and volition. They show that one who cannot create all men and animals, indeed, the universe, cannot apply that stamp.

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