The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 420

At one time, a single glorification was unfolded to me in one of the prayers in a manner close to how the Companions of the Prophet perceived them, and it appeared to me as important as a months worship. I understood the Companions high worth. It meant that in the early days of Islam, the effulgence and light proceeding from the sacred words had  a  different quality.  Their newness  imparted a different flavour, subtlety, and freshness that with the passage of time have become obscured and have diminished  through  neglect.  With   his  wondrous  capacity  Muhammad  (UWBP) received them new and fresh from their  original source, the Most Pure and Holy Essence,  and  absorbed  and  assimilated  them.   He   could  therefore  receive  the effulgence from a single glorification that others could  receive only from a years worship.

From this you may understand the degree Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) progressed through the degrees of perfections, which are without bound or limit.

T h e  T h i r d : Since mankind is the pivot of all the Creator’s purposes in the universe; and since with his superior understanding man has received the addresses of that  Glorious  One;  and  since  Muhammad  (UWBP)  was  the  most  famous  and renowned of mankind, and as his works and achievements testify, its most perfect and magnificent  individual;  that Single One of Glory took Muhammad (UWBP) as His addressee in the  name  of mankind, indeed, on account of the whole universe; He made manifest in him boundless effulgences and endless perfections.

There are numerous points like these three that prove conclusively that just as the collective personality of Muhammad (UWBP) is the spiritual sun of the universe, so is it the supreme sign of the mighty Qur’an known as the universe, and the greatest name of that Supreme Distinguisher between Truth and Falsehood, and the mirror of the  greatest  manifestation  of  the  name  Single.  We  beseech  the  Single,  Unique, Eternally Besought One that blessings  and peace to the number of particles of the universe multiplied by the seconds of the minutes of all time descend on Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) from the infinite treasury of His mercy.


Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)

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