The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 419

It is because of this mighty mystery that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition repeatedly  and  fervently  and  with  elevated  eloquence  teaches  divine  unity  and singleness.  Similarly,  all  the  prophets,  purified  scholars,  and  saints  found  their greatest pleasure and happiness in the profession of divine unity, There is no god but God.




Just as Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) taught, proved, and proclaimed most perfectly the true affirmation of divine unity in all its degrees, so his messengership was established as surely and certainly as divine unity. For since he taught divine unity, the greatest reality in the sphere of existence, together with all its truths, it may be said that all the arguments proving divine unity indirectly though decisively prove his messengership, the authenticity of his duty, and the rightness of his cause. Yes, a messengership that discovered and truly taught divine singleness and unity,  which bring  together  those  thousands of elevated  truths,  is  most definitely necessitated and required by that singleness and unity; they certainly require it.

Thus, Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) carried out that duty to the letter. Now, we shall explain by way of example, three out of numerous evidences and  causes   that  testify  to   the  importance  and   elevatedness  of  his  collective personality, attesting that it is a sun in the universe.

T h e  F i r s t : In accordance with the rule The cause is like the doer, the equivalent  of  all  the  good  deeds  performed  throughout  the  centuries  by  all  his community has passed to the book of good deeds of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings  and peace). So too, by thinking of the certain acceptance of the salawa\t prayers for the Prophet (UWBP), which every day all his community recite for him, and the station and degree that those endless prayers necessitate, it may be understood that the collective personality of Muhammad (UWBP) is a sun in the universe.

T h e  S e c o n d : Think of Muhammad’s (Upon whom be blessings and peace) spiritual  progress: his essential being was the source, seed, life, and means of the mighty tree of the world of Islam: it arose from his performing with his extraordinar y capacity and faculties the sacred worship and glorifications which form the spiritual aspects of the world of Islam, perceiving  all  their  meaning;  so  understand  how  much  more  elevated  than other sainthoods was the sainthood of Muhammadan (UWBP) worship, by which he rose to the rank of Gods beloved.

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