The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 416

Consider  the ignorance  of those who  worship  causes  and  nature through the following example: you can understand how far from reason it is and how ignorant to suppose that after preparing in orderly fashion through his wondrous art the parts or machinery of a wonderful factory, or marvellous clock, or splendid palace, or fine book, a person does not himself assemble the parts easily and work them, but with protracted and high expense makes each part, each mechanism, and even each sheet of paper and pen into extraordinary machines in order to make the parts themselves construct and work the factory, palace, and clock, and write the book instead of the craftsman. And he refers to them the art and craft, which is the means of displaying all his arts and skills, which he has great desire to exhibit.

In just the same way, those who attribute creation to causes and nature fall into compounded  ignorance.  For  above  nature  and  causes  are  extremely well-ordered works of art, and they too are artefacts like other creatures. The one who makes them thus, makes their results too and displays them together. The one who makes the seed, also makes the tree above it. And the one who makes the tree, is the one who makes the  fruits  above  it.  Otherwise  further  well-ordered  natures  and  causes  would  be necessary for other, different natures and causes to come into existence. And so on, ad infinitum.  One  would  have  to  accept  the  existence  of  an  infinite,  meaningless, impossible chain of illusory fancies. This would be the most extraordinary ignorance.




We  have  demonstrated  with  decisive  proofs  in  many  places  that  the  most fundamental characteristic of rulership is independence and separateness. Even the weak  shadow of rulership in impotent men vehemently rejects the interference of others and does not permit others to meddle in its duty, and in this way preserves its independence. Many kings have mercilessly put to death their innocent children and loved   brothers  on  account   of   this  rejection  of  interference.  That   is  to   say, independence, separateness, and the  rejection of the interference of others are the most basic characteristics of true rulership,  and  are its inseparable necessities and perpetual essentials.

It is because of this characteristic that divine rulership, which is at the degree of absolute dominicality, most vehemently rejects the association of any partners and the participation and  interference of others. The Quran of Miraculous Exposition too, insistently,  repeatedly,  and  sternly,  indicates  divine  unity and  rejects  with  severe threats the association of partners with God.

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