The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 415

For  example:  If  the  positions  and  administration  of a  thousand  soldiers  are referred to one officer, and that of one soldier to ten officers, to command the one soldier will be ten times more difficult than commanding a battalion. For those who command him will form obstacles to one another, and in the resulting disorder, the soldier will have no peace. Whereas if to obtain the desired  result and situation a battalion is referred to a single officer, he can achieve the result easily, without difficulty, and give it that situation. If to obtain the result and situation, it is referred to  the soldiers without a chief, leader, or sergeant, they will only be achieved with much dispute and difficulty, in great disorder, and deficiently.

Second Comparison: For example, if a master builder is appointed to give the stones in the dome of a mosque like Aya Sophia their suspended position, he may do so easily. But if it is referred to the stones themselves, they will all have to be both absolutely dominant and  absolutely subject to each other in order to support each other in that suspended position. For the work the master builder performs easily to be carried out, work a hundred times greater,  of  a hundred builders, will have to  be carried out, only then may such a position be achieved.

Third Comparison: For example, since the globe of the earth is an official, a soldier,  of the Single One of Unity which heeds that single Ones single command, such results are  obtained as the change of the seasons, the alternation of day and night, the lofty, majestic motions of the heavens, and the changes in the cinema-like celestial scenes. On receiving the single command of that Single One, in rapturous joy at its duty, a single soldier like the earth  rises to revolve in two motions like an ecstatic Mevlevi dervish, and is the means to those splendid results being achieved. It is as if the single soldier is commanding magnificent manoeuvres on the face of the universe.

If  not  ascribed  to  a  Single  One  whose  rule  of  divinity  and  sovereignty  of dominicality encompass the whole universe, and whose command and rule cover all beings,  those  results,  heavenly  maneouvres,  and  earthly  seasons  could  only  be obtained  by  millions  of  stars  and  globes  a  thousand  times  larger  than  the  earth travelling the long  distance of millions of years every twenty-four hours and ever y year.

Thus, those results being obtained through the two motions in its orbit and on

its axis like an ecstatic Mevlevi dervish of a single official like the globe of the earth, is  an example of the infinite ease there is in divine unity. While their being obtained through endlessly long ways millions of times more difficult than the motion described above is an example of just how difficult, indeed, impossible is the way of associating partners with God  and unbelief, and just what impossible, absurd things are found on it.

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