The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 425

Yes, the universes Ever-Living Self-Subsistent  Maker  certainly wants thanks from living creatures in return for His making Himself known and loved through so many sorts of  bounties, and He wants their praise and laudation in return for His precious arts, and for  His  creatures to respond with worship and obedience to His dominical commands.

In accordance with this mystery of dominicality, it is because thanks and worship are  the  most  important  purpose of  every sort  of  life  and  therefore of the  whole universe that the  Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition urges thanks and worship with fervour, intensity, and  sweetness. It states repeatedly that worship is for God alone, thanks is due only to Him, and  praise is particular to Him. To state that thanks and praise should go directly to its True Owner, verses like,


It is He Who gives life and death, and to Him [is due] the alternation of night and day.(23:80) * It is He Who gives life and death; and when He decides upon an affair, He says to it: Be!”, and it is.(40:68) * And gives life to the earth after its death,(30:24)


point out that He holds life together with all its attributes, without veil, in the grasp of His  power, and they reject intermediaries explicitly, and ascribe life directly to the Ever-Living  and  Self-Subsistent  Ones  hand  of power, restricting it  to  Him.  The verses,


For God is He Who gives [all] sustenance Lord of Power Steadfast for ever.(51:58) * And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me.(26:80) * He is the One that sends down rain [even] after [men] have given up all hope,(42:28)


show that things which provoke thanks such as sustenance, healing and rain, which also invite gratitude and thanks and stimulate a feeling of love and praise, also pertain directly to the Healing Provider, and that causes and intermediaries are a veil; that is, that sustenance, healing,  and rain are particular to and restricted to the power of the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One. To express this in accordance with the rules of grammar, the restrictive pronoun, For God is He Who [Hu ar-Razzaq] and “He is the One that” [Hu aladhi] has been used. The  True Healer is the one who  gives medicines their properties and creates their effects.




It was explained concerning the twenty-eighth property of life, that life looks to the six pillars of belief and proves them; it points to their truth.

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