The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 426



Yes, since life is the most important result and fruit of the universe, and the purpose of its creation, certainly that elevated reality is not restricted to this fleeting, brief, deficient, painful worldly life. The aim and result of the tree of life, the immensity of which is understood through its twenty-nine properties, is eternal  life and the life of the hereafter; it is life in the realm of bliss, the ver y stones, trees, and earth of which are alive. The tree of life, decked out with this many significant members,  would  otherwise remain without  fruit, benefit,  purpose,  and reality for intelligent beings  and  especially for man. Then man, whose capital and faculties are twenty times greater and more numerous than those of a sparrow and is the most exalted and important creature in the universe, and the highest living being, would fall lower than a sparrow in respect of the happiness of life, and become the most unhappy, the most debased of wretches.

Furthermore, by dwelling on the pains of the past and fears of the future, the  intelligence, the most precious of bounties, would continuously wound the human heart;  because  it  mixes  nine  pains  with  a  single  pleasure,  it  would  become  a calamitous affliction. This would be false to the hundredth degree. That is to say, the life of this world  proves the pillar of belief in the hereafter decisively and in the spring,  lays  before our  eyes  more  than three  hundred  thousand  examples  of  the resurrection of the dead.

Is it at all possible that the All-Powerful Disposer of Affairs, who prepares with wisdom,  grace, and mercy in your garden and country all the things and members necessary for  your  life; who  makes them reach you  at the appropriate time; who knows and hears even the  tiny, particular prayer for food offered by your stomach through its desire for continued existence; and gratifies it, showing with innumerable delicious foods that He accepts its prayer is it at all possible He does not see you and know you; would not prepare everything  necessary for eternal life, mankind’s greatest  goal;  and  would  not  accept  mankinds  most  urgent,  important,  universal prayer for immortality, of which it is worthy, through constructing the hereafter and creating Paradise; that He would not hear mans most powerful, general prayer, which rings out from the ground to the divine throne, although he is the ruler and result of the earth, nor hold him as important as a stomach, would not gratify him, so make him deny His perfect wisdom and endless mercy? God forbid, a hundred thousand times!

Is  it  at  all possible  that  He  should  hear the most  secret  voice of the  tiniest particular  of  life,  heed  its  plaint,  supply  its  cure,  answer  its  want,  nourish  it solicitously, cause others to serve it attentively, and make His large creatures assist it; then not hear the thunderous voice of the largest and most valuable, immortal, most delicate  life;  and   not  take  into  consideration  its  powerful  plea  and  prayer  for immortality?  That  He  should  equip  and  superintend  a  common  soldier  with  the greatest care and disregard a magnificent, obedient army? That He should see an atom and not see the sun?

No Voice