The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 429

Yes, just as life is the distilled essence of the universe; and consciousness and sense perception are distilled from life and are the essence of life; and intelligence too is   distilled   from  consciousness  and   sense   perception  and   is  the   essence   of consciousness;  and  spirit  is  the  pure,  unsullied  substance  of  life,  its  stable  and autonomous essence; so too, the physical and spiritual life of Muhammad (UWBP) is the distilled quintessence of the life and spirit of the universe; and the messengership of   Muhammad  (UWBP)  is  the  very  purest  essence  distilled  from  the  senses, consciousness, and intelligence of the universe. Indeed, the physical and spiritual life of Muhammad (UWBP), is, through the testimony of its works, the very life of the universes  life. And Muhammads (UWBP) messengership is the consciousness and light of the universes consciousness. While the Quranic revelation, according to the testimony of its living truths, is the spirit of the universes life and the intelligence of its consciousness.

Yes,  yes,  yes!  If the  light  of  Muhammad’s  (UWBP)  messengership  were  to depart  from the universe, the universe would die. If the Qur’an were to depart, the universe would  go mad, the earth would lose its head and its reason; it would even strike its now unconscious head on a planet and Doomsday would occur.

Life  also  looks  to  the  pillar  of  belief  in  divine  determining  and  proves  it indirectly. Because, since life is the light of the Manifest World, and it dominates it, and is the result and aim of existence, and since it is the most comprehensive mirror of the Creator of  the  universe and the most perfect sample and index of dominical activity, and let there be no mistake in the comparison is like a sort of programme; for sure, the mystery of life necessitates that the creatures in the World of the Unseen, that is, the past and the future, that is, that have been and will come, are predisposed to  conform  to  order,  regularit y,  being  known  and  observed,  specific  individual existence, and the creative commands, which are their lives in one respect.

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