Isharat al-I'jaz | Verses 9-10 | 95

Verse 9-10

Fain would they deceive Allâh and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realize [it] not! * In their hearts is a disease; and Allâh has increased their disease; and theirs is a grievous penalty, because they are false [to themselves], (Yukhâdi'ûna Allâha wa alladhîna âmanû wa mâ yakhda'ûna illâ anfusahum wa mâ yash'urûn '* Fi qulûbihim maradun fa-zâdahum Allâhu maradan wa la-hum 'adhâbun alîmun bi-mâ kânû yakdhibûn.)

The positioning [of this verse and its relationship with the preceding one]:

Consider first what the phrases indicate: censure of dissembling; then condemnation of it; then denunciation of dissemblers as repugnant; then the threatening of them; then intimidation of them; then amazement at them; then an exposition of their aims as expressed above; then an explanation of what made them say what they did; then a description of the first of the four misdeeds arising from their dissembling, which are deception, corruption, their calling the believers feeble-minded, and their deriding them. Then a portrayal of their crimes and artifices by means of an allegorical comparison (isti'âra tamthîliyya). It is like this: it depicts their conduct in the face of Allâh (the Most High)'s injunctions and towards the Prophet (Upon whom be blessings and peace) and the believers - their displaying belief for worldly ends despite inwardly disbelieving. It depicts how Allâh, the Prophet and the believers act towards them, gradually enacting the precepts of the believers against them, although in Allâh's sight they are the most abominable disbelievers. Just like two people tricking each other, or a hunter and his prey: the prey senses the hunter on emerging from its hole so scurries back into it.

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