Isharat al-I'jaz | Verse 26-27 | 224

Verse 26-27

Behold, Allah does not disdain to propound a parable of a gnat, or of something [even] less than that. Now, as for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord and Sustainer - whereas those who reject faith say, 'What means Allah by this parable?' By it He causes many to go astray, and many He guides aright; but none does he cause thereby to go astray save those who forsake [the path] - * Who break Allah's covenant after it has been ratified, and cut asunder what Allah has bidden to be joined, and spread corruption on earth; these it is that shall be the losers. (Inna Allâha lâ yas-tahyi an yadriba mathalan mâ ba'ûdatan fa-mâ fawqahâ fa-ammâ alladhîna âmanû fa-ya'lamûna annahû al-haqqu min rabbihim wa amma alladhîna kafarû fa-yaqûlûna mâdhâ arâda Allâhu bi-hâdhâ mathalan yudillu bi-hi kathîran wa yahdî bi-hi kathîran wa mâ yudillu bi-hi illâ al-fâsiqîn * Alladhina yanqudûna 'ahd Allâh min ba'd mithâqihi wa yaqta'ûna mâ amara Allâh bi-hi an yûsala wa yufsidûna fi al-ard ûlâ'ika humu al-khâsirûn.)

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