Isharat al-I'jaz | Verses 23-24:About the Prophethood of Muhammad (sa | 181

Verses 23-24 

And if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed, step by step, to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses [and helpers if there are any] besides Allah, if what you say is true. * But if you cannot, and of a surety you cannot, then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, which is prepared for those who reject faith. (Wa in kuntum fi raybin mimmâ nazzalnâ 'alâ 'abdinâ fa-'tû bi-sûratin min mithlihi wa ad'û shuhadâ'akum min dûn Allâhi in kuntum sâdiqîn. * Fa-in lam tafalü wa lan tafalû fa-'ttaqû al-nâr allatî waqûduhâ an-nâs wa al-hijâra u'iddat li'l-kâfirîn.)

An Introduction Verifying Prophethood

Consider this: just as the previous verse proves the first of the four main aims of the Qur'an, and that is divine unity (al-tawhîd), so this one (2:23) proves the second, the prophethood of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace),1 through the most consummate of his miracles, which was his challenging [opponents] with the Qur'an's miraculousness and inimitability (I'jâz). We have set out evidences of his prophethood in detail in another book2 and a part of them is summarized here in six topics.3

1. In fact, the second aim of the Qur'an is prophethood generally. But Muhammad's prophethood may be said to be thus since it was universal and included the essence of the previous prophets' teachings. See, Nursi, İşârâtü'l-İ'caz [Abdülmecid], 177. 

2. Nursi, Muhâkemat, 121 ff. See also, Nursi, Letters, 236-46; 257-63.

3. If fact, there are seven 'Topics.'

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