Isharat al-I'jaz | Verses 21 -22 | 170

Now we commence with the positioning and word-order (nazm) of the above-mentioned verse in respect of [firstly] the relationship (nazm) of the verse as a whole with what preceded it, [secondly] the relationships of some of its phrases, and [thirdly] the relationships between the parts of the phrases.

The positioning of this verse and its relationship with what preceded it:

Having spelled out the categories of human beings; the pious believers charged with worship, the obdurate disbelievers, and the wavering dissemblers, the Qur'an now addresses all of them with the words: "O you people! worship..." It makes this the consequence of what preceded it in the same way that a building follows the plan, and commands and prohibitions pertaining to actions proceed from laws [that exist as] knowledge, and the divine decree (al-qadâ') is executed in accordance with divine determining (al-qadar), and composition and creation follow on after the story and quotation.1 For when [the Qur'an] mentions the three different [groups] and describes their characteristics and outcomes, it is paving the way for the [main] subject and alerting the listeners]. Then it addresses [them] directly. This regard, I mean its referring to them firstly in the third person, then here addressing them directly, is a device (lit. point) generally [acceptable to the literary science of] al-bayân. It is this: when either the virtues or vices of a person are mentioned by degrees, it alerts and excites [the listeners] and increases in [them] feelings of either admiration or disgust. These gradually grow stronger until they drive [the listeners] to speak in person to the person concerned. Here, as required by the context (maqâm) and to satisfy those wishes of the listeners, the speaker (al-mutakallim - the Qur'an) fetches the person, brings him to their presence and addresses him directly.

This contains a point particular to this context, which is to alleviate the burdens of the obligation [of worship] with the pleasure of being addressed directly.

It indicates furthermore that in worship there are no intermediaries between the Creator and His bondsman.

1.These latter are literary terms, referring to various types of sentences. See, Nursi, Isârâtû'l-İ'caz [Bahaeddin Sağlam], 212.

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