Isharat al-I'jaz | Verses 21 -22 | 160

Verse 21-22

O you people! Worship your Lord and Sustainer, who has created you and those [who lived] before you, so that you might remain conscious of Him; * Who has made the earth a resting-place for you and the sky a canopy, and has sent down water from the sky and thereby brought forth fruits for your sustenance: then set not up rivals to Allâh, when you know [the truth], (Yâ ayyuhâ al-nâs u'budû rabbakum alladhi khalaq-akum wa alladhîna min qablikum la'allakum tattaqûn * Alladhî ja'ala la-kum al-arda firâshan wa al-sama binâ'an wa anzala min al-samâ mâ'an fa-akhraja bi-hi min al-thamarât rizqan la-kum fa-lâ taj'alû li'llâhi andâdan wa antum ta'lamûn.)


You should know that it is worship that instils the tenets of belief [in the believers] making them a very part of their character. For if matters pertaining to the conscience and reason are not nurtured and strengthened by worship, which consists of carrying out Allâh's commands and abstaining from His prohibitions, they remain ineffectual and weak. The present state of the Islamic world testifies to this.

Know too that worship is the cause of happiness in this world and the next, and is a means of ordering life here and there, and a cause of attainment and perfection, both individual and collective. It is an exalted, esteemed relation between Creator and bondsman.

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