Isharat al-I'jaz | Verse 19-20 | 144

Verse 19-20

Or [the parable] of a violent cloudburst in the sky, with utter darkness, thunder and lightning: they put their fingers into their ears to keep out the peals of thunder, in terror of death; but Allâh encompasses [with His might] all who deny the truth. * The lightning well-nigh takes away their sight; whenever it gives them light, they advance therein, and whenever darkness falls around them, they stand still. And if Allâh so willed, He could indeed take away their hearing and sight: for verily Allâh is powerful over all things. (Aw ka-sayyibin min al-samâ' fîhi zulumâtun wa ra'dun wa barqun yaj'alûna asabi'ahum fi âdhânihim min al-sawâ'iq hadhara al-mawt, wa Allâh muhîtun bi'l-kâfirîn. * Yakâdu al-barqu yakhtafu absârahum kullamâ adâ'a la-hum mashaw fihi wa idhâ azlama 'alayhim qâmû wa-law shâ'a Allâh la-dhahaba bi-sam'ihim wa absârihim, innâ Allâha 'alâ kûlli shay'in qadir.)

The noteworthy points in these verses may also [be subsumed under] three [headings]: their positioning in regard to the preceding verses; the postioning of the verses' phrases [and the relationships between them]; and the relationships between the constituents of the phrases. These resemble the relationships between the hour, minute, and second hands of a clock.

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