The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 247

If the sense of rulership and sovereignty, which  is a mere shadow in human beings, who are impotent and in need of assistance, rejects interference to this degree, prevents the  intervention of others, does not accept participation in its sovereignty, and  seeks  to  preserve  the  independence  of  its  position  so  jealously,  if  you  can, compare this with an All-Glorious One whose absolute sovereignty is at the degree of dominicality,   whose   absolute   rulership    at   the   degree   of   Divinity,   absolute independence at the degree of oneness, and absolute  lack of need at the degree of absolute power, and understand what a necessary requirement and inevitable necessity of that  rulership  is this rejection of interference,  prevention  of  participation,  and repulsion of partners.

Concerning the second part of your doubt, you said: If some of the worship of some  insignificant beings  is  directed  towards  certain causes,  does this cause any deficiency to  the worship of all beings, from particles to planets, which is directed towards the Necessarily Existent One, the Absolute Object of All Worship?

T h e  A n s w e r : The All-Wise Creator of the universe made the universe like a tree with conscious beings as its most perfect fruit, and among conscious beings He made man its most comprehensive fruit. And mans most important fruit, indeed the result of his creation, the aim of his nature, and the fruit of his life are his thanks and worship. Would that Absolute Sovereign and Independent Ruler, that Single One of Unity, who creates the universe in  order  to make Himself known and loved, give away to others man, the fruit of the whole universe, and mans thanks and worship, his most elevated fruit? Totally contrary to His  wisdom, would He make vain and futile the result  of creation and  fruit of the universe?  God  forbid! Would  He  be content to give away the worship of creatures to others in a way that would deny His wisdom and His dominicality? And although He demonstrates through  His actions that He wishes to make Himself known and loved to an unlimited degree, would  he cause His most perfect creatures to forget Him by handing over to causes their thanks and gratitude, love and worship, and cause them to deny the exalted purposes in the universe?

O friend who has given up the worship of nature! Now it is for you to say! To which he replied:

All praise be to God, these two doubts of mine have now been resolved. And your two proofs concerning divine unity which demonstrate that the only True Object of Worship is He, and that nothing other than He is worthy of worship are so brilliant and powerful that to deny them would require as much arrogance as to deny the sun and the daytime.

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