The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 249

Indeed, everyone sees the world in his own mirror. God Almight y created man as a measure and scale for the universe. And from the world He gave a particular world to each person. This world He colours for him in accordance with his sincere beliefs. For example, a despairing, lamenting, weeping person sees beings as weeping and in despair, while a cheerful, optimistic, merry person sees the universe as joyful and smiling. A  reflective man given to solemn worship and glorification discovers and sees to a degree the certain, truly existent worship and glorification of beings, while a person who abandons  worship through either neglect or denial sees beings in a manner totally contrary and opposed to the reality of their perfections and so transgresses their rights.

Furthermore, since the person who gives up prayer does not own himself, he

wrongs  his  own  soul,  which  is  a  slave  of  its  True  Owner.  His  Owner  delivers awesome threats in order to protect His slaves rights from his evil-commanding soul. Also, since he has given up worship, which is the result of his creation and the aim of his nature, it is like an act of aggression against divine wisdom and dominical will, and he therefore receives punishment.

I n  S h o r t : The abandoner of worship both wrongs his own soul, which is the slave and totally owned property of Almighty God, and wrongs and transgresses the rights of the  perfections of the universe. Certainly, just as unbelief is an insult to beings, so is the abandonment of worship a denial of the universes perfections. And since it is an act of  aggression against divine wisdom, it is deserving of awesome threats and severe punishment.

Thus, it is to express this deservedness and the above facts that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition  chooses  in  a  miraculous  way that  severe  st yle,  which,  in complete   conformity   with   the   principles   of   eloquence,   corresponds   to   the requirements of the situation.




The person who had given up Naturalism and come to believe next asked:

It  is  indeed  a  vast  truth  that  each  being  is  dependent  on  divine  will  and dominical power in every aspect; in all of its functions, qualities and actions. Our narrow minds cannot comprehend this because of its vastness. However, the infinite abundance  that  we  see  around  us,  and  the  boundless  ease  in  the  creation  and formation of things, and the infinite ease and facility in the way of unity, which was established through your proofs above, and the infinite ease that verses of the Qur’an like the following clearly demonstrate and expound,

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