The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 251

There  are  hundreds  of  examples  like  these  which  show  that  it  is  easier  for thousands of beings to come into existence through unity than for a single being to come  into  existence through multiplicity and ascribing partners to God. Since this truth has been proved with absolute certainty in other parts of the Risale-i Nur, we refer you to them and here only explain an important reason for this ease and facilit y from  the  point  of  view  of  divine  knowledge,  divine  determining,  and  dominical power. It is as follows:

You are a being. If you attribute yourself to the Pre-Eternal All-Powerful One, He creates you at a command through His infinite power out of nothing in an instant, like striking a match. If you do not do this and rather attribute yourself to physical causes and nature, since you are a well-ordered summary, fruit, and miniature index and list of the universe, in order to make you, it would be necessary to sift with a fine sieve the universe and its elements, and to gather in precise measure from all the corners of the universe the substances of which your body is composed. For physical causes only gather and join together. It is confirmed by people of reason that they cannot create out of nothing what is not present in them. Since this is the  case, they would be compelled to collect together the body of a tiny animate being from every corner of the cosmos.

Now understand what ease there is in unity, divine unity, and what difficulties lie in misguidance and attributing partners to God!

Secondly, there is an infinite ease also with regard to divine knowledge. It is like this: divine determining is an aspect of divine knowledge; it determines a measure for each thing, which is like its particular and immaterial mould; the determined measure is like a plan or model for the things being. When divine power creates, it does so with extreme ease in  accordance with the determined measure. If the thing is not attributed to the All-Powerful  One of Glory, who possesses all-embracing, infinite and pre-eternal knowledge, as was described above, not only thousands of difficulties appear, but hundreds of impossibilities. For if it were not for the determined measure which  exists  in  divine  knowledge,  thousands  of  material  moulds  with  external existences would have to be employed in the body of even a tiny animate being.

So, understand one reason for the infinite ease in unity and the endless difficulties in misguidance and ascribing partners to God. Realize what a veracious, correct, and exalted truth is stated by the verse,

The matter of the Hour shall be but as the twinkling of the eye, or even


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