The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-THIRD FLASH | 250

Your creation and resurrection is as a single soul,(31:28)



The matter of the Hour shall be but as the twinkling of the eye, or even closer(16:77)


show this mighty truth to be a matter that is most acceptable and rational. What is the wisdom and secret of this ease?

T h e   A n s w e r : This matter was elucidated in a most clear, decisive and convincing fashion in the explanation of And He is powerful over all things, which forms the Tenth Phrase of the Twentieth Letter. And it was demonstrated even more clearly in the Addendum to that letter that when attributed to the Single Maker, all beings become as easy as a single being. If they are not attributed to that Single One of Unity, the creation of a single creature becomes as difficult as that of all beings, and a seed as problematical as a tree. When they are ascribed to their True Maker, the universe becomes as easy and trouble-free as a tree, a tree as easy as a seed, Paradise as easy as the spring, and the spring as easy as a  flower. We shall now point out briefly one or two evidences that have been explained in detail in other parts of the Risale-i  Nur  out  of  the  hundreds  which  explain  the  underlying  reasons  for  and instances  of  wisdom  in  the  conspicuous,  boundless  abundance  and  profusion  of beings, the ease of the great number of individuals in each species, and the fact that well-ordered,  artistically fashioned  and  valuable  beings  come  into  existence  with immense speed and ease.

For example, if the command of a hundred soldiers is given to one officer, it is a

hundred  times  easier  than  if  the  command  of one  soldier  is  given  to  a  hundred officers.  And if to equip an army it is assigned to one headquarters, one law, one factory and the command of one king, it quite simply becomes as easy as equipping a single soldier. In the  same way, if to equip one soldier it is referred to numerous headquarters, numerous factories and numerous commanders, it becomes as difficult as equipping an army. Because in order to equip a single soldier, it would require as many factories as are necessary for a whole army.

Again, since by reason of the mystery of unity, the vital necessities of a tree are provided through one root, one centre and according to one law, it produces thousands of fruits as easily as a single fruit. This is plain to see. If unity changes to multiplicit y and  all the  necessities  vital  for  each fruit  are  provided  from  different  places,  to produce each fruit becomes as difficult as to produce the tree. And to produce a single seed, even, which is a sample and index of the tree, becomes as difficult as the tree. Because all the necessities vital for the trees life are necessary for the seed.
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