The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Sixth Flash | 330

So those who accuse the Risale-i Nur students, who are thus, of disturbing public order   are  surely  seriously  deceived,   or   have   been   fooled,  or   knowingly  or unknowingly are deceiving the government on account of anarchy, and try to crush and repress us. We say this to them:

Since death is not to be killed, and the grave is not to be closed, and the travellers in this guesthouse of the world, convoy after convoy enter the earth with great speed and ado, and  vanish; for sure we shall part from one another very soon. You shall receive the penalty for  your tyranny in awful fashion. At the very least  you shall mount the gallows of death and eternal extinction, which form the discharge papers of the oppressed people of belief. The fleeting pleasures you have received in this world imagining them to be everlasting, will be transformed into everlasting, grievous pains.

Regretfully, our secret dissembling enemies sometimes attach the name of Sufism to the reality of Islam, which has been gained and preserved through the swords and blood of the hundred million martyrs at the rank of saints, and heroic war veterans of this religious nation.  While the way of Sufism is only a single ray of that sun, they show it to be the sun and deceive certain lax government officials. Calling the Risale-i Nur  students  Sufis and  members of a  political  society  because  they work effectively for the truths of the Qur’an and belief they want to incite them against us. We say to them, and to those who listen to them against us, what we told the just court at Denizli:

Let us too be sacrificed for this sacred truth for which hundreds of millions of people  have been sacrificed! Even if you set fire to the world around us, we who sacrifice  ourselves  for the truths of the Quran will not lay down our arms before atheism; we shall not abandon our sacred duty, God willing!

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