Isharat al-I'jaz | Author's Note to the Turkish Edition | 13

Third Point: The Turkish translation [of the author's brother, Abdûl-mecid] has not preserved the fluency, eloquence, and extraordinary value

of the Arabic, and it is also sometimes abbreviated. I had therefore intended not to publish part of the lengthy discussion about the dissemblers. But since it is about the Qur'an, and even an atom about the Qur'an has high value, it will perhaps be useful for some people. God willing, if no obstacles arise, the Arabic commentary will be published following this translation and will complete its deficiencies. Moreover, there are some wonderful instances of 'coincidences' in the Arabic, in which human will has not intervened. So as far as it is possible the attempt should be made to produce it similarly to that printed copy, so that those wonders, a sign of its acceptance, are not lost.

Said Nursi

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