Isharat al-I'jaz | Praise of Allah | 24

How this is achieved: Allâh created man and made him a comprehensive summary of the universe and an index of the book of the world, which comprises eighteen thousand worlds, and lodged in his essence a sample from each, in which is manifested one of His names. If man spends all of what is bestowed on him in the way of that for which he was created, for the purpose of offering thanks, a sort of praise, and obeying the Shari'a, which removes the rust of nature, each of those samples becomes a map [illuminating] his world, and a mirror reflecting it and the attribute manifested in it and the name it displays. In this way, with both spirit and body, man becomes a summary of the worlds of the seen and unseen, and manifests what is manifested in them. Through offering praise he becomes both a place of demonstration and a demonstrator of the attributes of perfection. This is implied by what Muhyi al-Din al-'Arabi said in explanation of the Hadith: "I was a hidden treasure, so I created creation that they might know Me." That is, I created creation to be a mirror in which I might observe My beauty.

"[Be] to Allâh (li' llâh)"

That is, praise (hamd) is particular to and fitting only for the Most Pure and Holy Essence, who although specified is described by the concept of the Necessarily Existent One. For sometimes something specific may be thought of in general terms. The letter lâm (the li- of li-llah) here is dependent on the verb implied by its meaning, as though it had absorbed the verb's meaning. In the lâm is also a sign to sincerity and divine unity.

"Lord and Sustainer (Rabb)"

That is, He who raises and sustains the universe with all its component parts, each of which is a world like the greater world, with all its atoms, like its stars dispersed, in motion, in order.

Know that Allâh (May His glory be exalted) appointed for everything a point of perfection and deposited in each an inclination towards it, as though commanding it through this inclination to set out for the point of perfection. In its journey each thing stands in need of what will help it and what will repulse the things that hinder it, and this is the sustaining of Allâh. If you study the universe, you will see that it resembles human groups and nations, with each individually and collectively employed in the duties its Maker has appointed for it, striving diligently, obeying the laws of its Creator. How surprising therefore is man, in his being an exception!

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