Isharat al-I'jaz | Verse 3: Characteristics of the Believers | 52

The Qur'an preferred "And spend out of what We have provided for them (Wa mimmâ razqnâhum yunfiqûn)" to 'they give alms' (yatasaddaqûn) or 'they give the alms-tax' (yazakkûn) and so on in order to make the following points and infer these conditions:

With "out of (min)" it indicates that wastefulness [in the giving of almsgiving] should be avoided;

By putting "out of what (mimmâ)" first it infers that it should be given out of the donor's property;

And by "We have provided (razzaqnâ)," it disallows it being a favour; that is, "it is Allâh who is the Giver and you are merely the means."

And by the "We (-nâ)," it alludes to the meaning of the Hadith: "Never fear scarcity from the Lord of the divine throne."1

And because rizq [the noun 'sustenance,' derived from the verbal root] here is absolute and not specific, it infers that almsgiving includes the giving of knowledge, ideas, and other things.

And by "spend (yunfiqûn)" it infers the condition that the recipient should spend the alms on his livelihood and essential needs.

-----------------------------------âmi' ul-Sagir, no: 1508; al-Mundhiri, al-Targhib wa'l-Tarhib, no: 912. See, Nursi,  Ishârât al-I'jâz [Ihsan Qasim], 53.

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